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Doctor Fired for Hypothetical Offence over use of Personal Pronouns

In a case worth of "The Ministry of Truth" from Orwell's 1984 a doctor is fired for calling a man an man. I first became aware of this story thanks to Denis Prager, the impression I had at the time was that the doctor in question had given offence by calling a man "he" and "him". The patient had then lodged a complaint and the doctor was found "gulty".

Nothing could be further from the truth. The doctor was interviewed by a line manager and it was his response to a hypothetical question that got him fired. Nobody was offended, no patient was aggreived.

The doctor maintained that faced with a man who in all respects was a man (six foot and bearded), he would address him as a male. The only respect in which this man was a female was in his head. That however is supposed to be enough to override the evidence of our eyes and the belief that we are born male or female determined by the X-chromosome and the Y-chromosome.

Under current guidelines anyone who calls themselves a woman is de facto a woman. Any six foot bearded man who self-identifies as a woman can enter ladies toilets and claim a room in a woman's refuge. This has already led to "problems" which any sane person could forsee.

Fortunately the doctor has a firm grasp of reality to stand up to such attempts at mind-control. This comes from two sources: common sense and his faith as a Christian. A fact often resented by those attempting to control what we think and believe is that Christians have their own standard to judge truth by. For Christians, what the Bible says trumps anything else.

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